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Event Ideas to Celebrate MGMW22!

By Alex Cull

Published on Fri Sep 09 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

How To Celebrate Global Maths Week With Your Class

The first ever Mangahigh Global Maths Week is just around the corner, and schools around the globe are getting excited to take part. If you’re looking for some classroom inspiration alongside participating in the competition, then look no further! We’ve put together some ideas to make Global Maths Week an integrated part of your school week:

Idea 1 – Super Digital Maths Day

Pick one day of the school week and turn it into a super digital maths day with Mangahigh! Plan a full day of digital maths activities on a variety of maths topics, with a mixture of intuitive adaptive quizzes and a selection of fun maths games such as Pyramid Panic, Jetstream Riders and Robo Ops.

Idea 2 – Blended Lesson

Try out a blended lesson with your class throughout maths week. A blended lesson is a perfect mix of traditional teaching paired with exciting and fun digital resources. Check out Mangahigh’s 5 tips for a successful blended lesson.

Idea 3 – Create a Life Size Number Line

A great maths activity for early years students. Take your class outside for this fun activity, using chalk to draw a number line across a playground space. Make sure there’s enough room on the line for your students to jump around and enjoy themselves whilst learning. Explore a number of concepts using the number line such as place value, rounding and decimals. You can then take this learning onto Mangahigh and test your students on what they have learned through Piñata Fever!

Idea 4 – Shape Hunt

Print off a bingo sheet of shapes and have your students engage in a scavenger hunt through the classroom for objects that match up. Teaching older students? Try them out on Transtar, which helps them learn to rotate, reflect and enlarge 2d shapes.

Idea 5 – Mystery Number Card Game

Grab a deck of playing cards and ask a student to pick a card at random. The student must hold the card to their forehead without looking at the number. Ask the rest of the class to tell the student what they need to add or multiply the number by in order to make 10 (or 20 depending on the value of the card). The student holding the card has 3 attempts to guess the value of the card!

Idea 6 – Roll to 100

This game requires students to practise their mental maths skills using a set of dice. Print off this hundred number chart and get some coloured pens ready!

Roll the dice and add up the numbers, then move ahead that many squares on the chart and mark the number with a cross in your designated colour. The first player to reach 100 wins!

There are thousands of activities on Mangahigh covering various maths topics which can help support your lesson plan or provide further inspiration! And don’t forget, if you haven’t already, to sign your school up to the Mangahigh Global Maths Week - even those with an active subscription need to register.

Share your achievements on our social media and tag us @mangahigh. #mgmw22