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CIE and IB Curriculum Updates on Mangahigh

By Wendy Verdaasdonk

Published on Thu Jun 03 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

As part of these updates, the 300+ latest Mangahigh maths activities are also being added and mapped. This means that schools using CIE or IB now have access to extensive coverage for primary school years, including our groundbreaking maths content for students aged 5 - 7! Schools on the CIE curriculum will particularly benefit from this, as we are now covering both primary and secondary school content.

If you’re an active Mangahigh subscriber your dashboard will be updated automatically. The changeover will make it even easier for you to find activities to assign to your students! Not yet using these international maths curricula on Mangahigh but interested to learn more? Please reach out to our team!