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M-Fluencers Maths Week Quest Ireland - Congratulations to The Winners!

By Wendy Verdaasdonk

Published on Mon Oct 19 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

This year’s Maths Week Ireland was celebrated by schools all over the country and we loved seeing some healthy competition spirit between the schools. During the Mangahigh Maths Week Quest, students could win points for their school by completing maths activities and games on Mangahigh.com. Thousands of activities were completed and a total of 600,000 medal points* were achieved! That’s really impressive, well done everyone!

And The Winners Are...

To improve chances for smaller schools to win a prize, we had a special leaderboard for schools with under 200 participating students on top of the regular leaderboard with all schools. Here are the final winners...

Congratulations to Ratoath Senior National School and Urbleshanny National School! Well done for achieving the most medal points in your category. That’s an amazing achievement!

We would also like to give a special shout out to all students who achieved more than 150 medal points during the competition. You should be very proud of your efforts and the great amount of learning you’ve been doing in such a short time frame.

These achievements shouldn’t go unnoticed, so why not share it online? Tag us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (@mangahigh) and use the hashtag #mathweekquest so we can share your hard work with our followers. You’ve earned it!

*Click here to read more about how students earn medal points.