
Von Wendy Verdaasdonk

20 Relatable Teaching Memes to Share With Your Fellow Teachers

Need some time to laugh in your stressful day? A little break from teaching or grading? We've compiled the perfect distraction for you! Just scroll through and indulge in the light-hearted entertainment.

making intricate but fun assignments, having to grade them

Easy to forget about the grading part....

have a proper plan and finish on time, start the day before and finish just in time, students: it's the same picture

Will students ever learn?

when you have classes to prepare, homework to greade and parent-teacher conferences are coming up: this is fine...

Teachers gotta go through the fire every day!

As a teacher, this is where I'd put my free time, if I had any

Isn't it so true??

This will be in the test, take note! Students: doesn't listen

And a week later you'll get the question: 'so what will be on the test exactly?'. Every. Single. Time.

O, make lessons plans, X watch netflix instead

Planning or netflix, a daily struggle for all teachers we're sure....

Teachers, you get a compliment, you get a compliement, you get a compliment, everybody gets a compliment!

We're pretty sure teachers hold the world record for giving compliments!

first day of class vs exam week

Probably true for both teachers and students...

Stop trying to make early recess happen, it's not going to happen

Oh if you could get a dollar for every 'can we stop early today?'...

When your students are happy and healthy, you're doing a great job

A little bit of teacher motivation for you!

When it's finally weekend, Friday 4pm -> Monday morning. It goes in a blink!

Why do days on the weekend always feel so much shorter than during the week?

When a student keeps distracting another student: we've had one misbehaving student yes, but what about a second one?

Misbehaving seems to spread like a virus sometimes doesn't it?

When students ask one day before the test waht chapters they need to learn

Didn't you tell them a thousand times already? And how about the 'start on time' warnings you've given so many times?

Did you finish grading everything? Yes. What did it cost? 12 cups of coffee

Coffee = teacher life fuel.

Me preparing the test, students: we had a test?

When you put so much effort into creating a good test, and students forget that it even existed...

When all students have finished their homework

On the other hand though, these are the most satisfying days! When all students finish their homework on time, so good!

Students complaining about the test being difficult, me having warned them 1000 times

What can you do as a teacher if the warnings don't come in?

Whe it's Friday and the last class finished

You've never seen anyone run as fast as teachers and students going home on a Friday.

Trying to relax.... Remembering I have homework to correct

Even worse when you've forgotten completely and the deadlines are coming up, or it's late at night already!

Mangahigh maths platform with games, assignments, reports and more.... After all, why shouldn't I register

If you ask us, Mangahigh definitely is The One Platform. Register for free here!

Von Wendy Verdaasdonk