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20+ Fun Offline Mathematics Activities For Your Classroom

By Wendy Verdaasdonk

Published on Thu Jan 28 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

We are aware that schools all over the world are in different situations at the moment, so we have added in activities that students can complete both at home and in class. Hopefully, it can inspire you to create a playful, (partially) offline lesson this week!

Ages 5 - 7

Ages 7 - 9

Ages 9 - 11

Ages 11 - 14+

Another excellent resource for blended lessons are our live lesson recordings, where students complete both Mangahigh activities and on-paper questions. Make sure to have a look at our YouTube Channel, where you will find lessons for ages 7 - 9 , 9 - 11 and 11-14. We hope it can inspire you!

We’d love to hear your lesson ideas so we can add them to the list! Send them to us via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or email.