Wrecks Factor

Fatoração de expressões quadráticas

Factorise quadratic equations to help ships who are navigating and falling prey to the treacherous Bermuda Rectangle.

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Atividades vinculadas ao currículo

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Fatorar utilizando um fator comum

    Remover fatores comuns para deixar apenas um parênteses. Incluir mais de um fator. Por exemplo: 7x² + 14x.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Fatorar a²x² - b² usando a diferença de dois quadrados

    Factorise quadratics and other expressions using the difference of two squares where the first term has a square coefficient other than 1. e.g. (ax)² - (by)² including removing a common factor from each term first.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Fatorar quadráticas da forma x² + bx + c

    Factorise quadratics of the form x² + bx + c including those that require manipulation to reduce to this form, including removing a common factor from each term first.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Fatorar quadráticas da forma ax² + bx + c

    Factorise quadratics of the form ax² + bx + c including those that require manipulation to reduce to this form, including removing a common factor from each term first.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Fatorar x² - b² usando a diferença de dois quadrados

    Factorise quadratics and other expressions using the difference of two squares where the coefficient of x² is 1, or where a common factor can be removed to make it 1. e.g. 3x² - 3a².

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Resolver quadráticas por fatoração - coeficiente de x² igual a 1

    Solve by first factorising into 2 brackets including equations that require a common factor to be removed first, form x² + bx + c = 0 or px² + pbx + pc = 0.

Como ensinar Álgebra usando a Mangahigh

Gostaria de ter planos de aula com as nossas atividades?