
Simplificação algébrica

Aprenda álgebra em uma jornada através do tempo onde tudo começou — na Bagdá do século IX.

Seleção de atividades afins

Atividades vinculadas ao currículo

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Introduzindo equações

    Solve a linear equation by performing a single stage, either add, subtract, multiply or divide. Use integer coefficients or integer division. Unknown on one side.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Resolver equações lineares

    Apply combinations of add, subtract, multiply and divide to solve linear equations. Limit to unknowns on one side and integer coefficients or division by an integer. Include examples of addition and subtraction with negatives. Do not include multiplication and division with negatives.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Resolver equações lineares envolvendo negativos

    Solve linear equations that include a negative term appearing anywhere. These should include the unknown term appearing on one or both sides, with or without brackets. Restrict to integer coefficients or division by an integer. Include examples that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with negatives.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Resolver equações lineares envolvendo parênteses

    Solve linear equations that include bracketed terms. Limit to integer coefficients, or division by an integer. Do not include negative algebraic terms. Include examples that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with negatives. Limit to letters on one side only.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Resolver equações lineares com uma incógnita em ambos os lados

    Solve linear equations that include terms on both sides of the equation. Limit to integers or division by an integer. Include examples that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with negatives. Include bracketed terms. Do not include negative algebraic terms.

  • Quiz de matemática da Mangahigh

    Resolver equações lineares envolvendo frações e decimais

    Solve linear equations that involve more than one fraction or an algebraic term in the denominator. Include any type of coefficient including decimals and mixed fractions. Include negatives appearing anywhere in the equation.

Como ensinar Álgebra usando a Mangahigh

Gostaria de ter planos de aula com as nossas atividades?