
Von Wendy Verdaasdonk

M-Fluencers Maths Week Quest Scotland - The Champions!

To win points during the competition, students completed maths activities and games on In total, over 55,000 points were awarded in the short span of a week. What an amazing effort by the Scottish students!

All students who achieved 150+ points received a special certificate to show everyone what champions they are. And of course, there’s the top 10 school leaderboard that shows who collectively won the most points. Here are the winners...

Final leaderboard

Congratulations to all schools in the top 10, and a special shout out to Eyemouth High School for taking the trophy with 16,977 points! That is an amazing achievement - well done everyone!

We hope that you all enjoyed Maths Week Scotland this year. Please share your achievements during Maths Week with us! You can tag us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with @Mangahigh and don’t forget to use the #mathsweekquest hashtag.

Von Wendy Verdaasdonk